Piano competition in Shanwei, China
Completed my adjudication of the Piano Competition in Shanwei, China. Highly enthusiastic pianists and parents! Wonderful levels of piano...

Cecilia won First Prize at Transylvanian International Piano Competition
Congratulations to Ceicilia Limargana for winning first prize at the Transylvanian International Piano Competition 2018.

Full House Audience at Clarinet, Viola & Piano Recital on 22nd July
It was wonderful concert on Sun 22nd of July at UWA. Wonderful chemistry and sparks for Full House Audience. Sally and Geoffrey took...

Grace He goes to Cargenie Hall
Congratulations to Grace He, 8 years old student from our school taught by Ivy Chan who performed at the Amercian Protege, International...

Young confident rising stars at St Georges Cathedra, Concert Review by Shuan
Tian Liang, Hannah Wang and Vevina Yang performed to a huge crowd at the St Georges Cathedral on 4th of July. They were fabulous and the...