Begin your Musical Journey with YSL Music School

"I think as parents, i am very happy with my children's progress, our teacher Ivy has been very patient and dedicated into our music journey!
She helps our kids to develop good technique and fun learning with rewards system.My kids get motivated as they can earns the stickers and the prizes!
The school organise the concert and competition as it inspire our kids to put in efforts and practise each day which leads to improvements and high standard performance.
We thank God for Mr Lee and Ivy in my kids music journey,it is not an easy journey as the teacher and parents need to work hand in hand to help our kids,but we know that hard work will produce good fruits,grit is the key!"
Margaret Chye
"I grew up learning the piano and even got up to grade 7 but today I am too embarrassed to even say that I can play the piano. Truth is, despite going through the exams year after year and obtaining certificates, I do not have the confidence that I am competent in the piano at all. Quite frankly, I am not able to play for anybody on the whim without scores. And even with scores, I would definitely require a year of intensive practice because this was the way I was conditioned - to practice only four or five pieces per year. That is why for my children, I was adamant that they will not go through music education the way I had. I did not want them to be restricted only to exam pieces but i wanted them to be able to play whatever they wanted and as many pieces as they wanted. I wanted my children to enjoy playing the piano for the sake of the beautiful music and not just to pass an exam."
"It seems like quite a simple desire, to allow my children to learn at their own pace to cultivate their love for music but finding the right teacher is harder than we thought. Not many teachers seem to know how to progress the children to a competent level without the safety net of the exams. That is why I am so glad to have found Yoon Sen Lee (YSL) Music school. In this school, the children are encouraged to perform. And it is through performances and competitions that the children learn how to bring forth quality music to their audience. For what is music if all they did was to just play for themselves and their teachers to pass an exam just as I did? In this music school, we saw the value of performances and competitions. It is through the enjoyment of making musical connections with their audience that my children are motivated to raise their level of competence. From the competitions, they are able to see where other musicians are at and learn from them. Regular performances and competitions have helped my children gain more confidence in their piano playing."
"Today, my children have no qualms in performing for others without coercion from us. This confidence can only be attributed to their training. Ivy and Yoon Sen have both been very encouraging in spurring the children to the next level and taking on challenges. They have taught them not only how to play the piano but mentored the children by helping them grow in resilience, patience, and diligence. Their passion is contagious. I am in awe of their commitment to the children. Every year as I attend the concert performances and competitions, I do not have any doubt that this music school really produces competent musicians with a very high standard and I thank God that we are a part of this great family of musicians."
Sherrie Yap
Proof of what we do

"Learning from Yoon Sen Lee was the greatest thing that has happened in my life. He is not just a piano teacher, he truely motivates his students to do everything to the best of their ability, from my experience he inspired me to have faith and be spiritual. The passion he puts into his students is unbelievable, he always has belief in his students."
Lawrence Ng
After studying music under Mr Lee since 6 years old, Lawrence is now studying music in UWA, teaching piano and performing piano accompaniment. He is also the founder of Muso Academy.

Joining YSL Music School has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. From lessons, combine classes to concerts I’m always inspired and motivated to work harder. Without Mr Lee I never thought it would be possible to achieve what I have today. His patience and dedication to every student is truly touching and the passion he has for music is beyond inspiring. He has not only taught me what true music is but also about life. The BEST mentor!
Lisa Yang

"My 3 children have been on an incredible journey since they started learning piano with Yoon Sen nearly 4 years ago now. My oldest son was deemed unteachable by another teacher and with Yoon Sen’s dedication, passion for music and expertise helped him to gain ATCL diploma in 2016 at the age of 12. All three children have done incredibly well in examinations and have played on international stages having won many international competitions. They have also been regular prize winners at local competitions. We are also very grateful for many performance opportunities such as Government House Ballroom event, local church performances, St Georges Cathedral lunchtime concert, YSL’s school Rising Stars concert, and most recently in Chinese Chamber of Commerce anniversary dinner.
All of that aside, Yoon Sen teaches them more than just piano playing. Through his lessons, competitions and various performances, our kids also learn self discipline and resilience. Yoon Sen has also imparted to our children many Godly life lessons which will be invaluable as they navigate through their life journey."
"我儿子4岁半开始学琴,学了2年养成很多不良习惯,技术上存在很多缺陷,弹起来毫无音乐性,甚至一点都不懂得读谱。6岁半的时候我们慕名找到李老师开始跟随李老师学琴,现在孩子刚刚8岁,短短的一年半时间,不仅学会了视奏还在李老师的鼓励下尝试着作曲,弹奏技术和技巧得到很大的提高,音乐表现力也得到很大的提升,级别也从不到AMEB3级提高到了7级。李老师擅长发现孩子的长短处,因材施教。不仅仅教孩子弹琴还常常在教学过程中给孩子讲音乐史,音乐家故事,甚至教给孩子很多做人的道理,让孩子懂得了:成功无捷径,唯有坚持和毅力。李老师还不辞辛苦定期主办许多有趣的活动激发和保持孩子对音乐的热忱。在李老师的熏陶下,我家孩子喜欢上歌剧,音乐剧,交响乐,欣赏音乐作品成了他每周末固定的日程安排。无论孩子将来从事哪个行业,跟随李老师学琴的这段经历将让他受益终身。谢谢你, 李老师。谢谢你把孩子引向音乐殿堂。你是最好的老师!"
Liang Bob