Trio of boys bound for Vienna after winning Grand Virtuoso International Piano Competition.
Dianella: Junior piano trio hitting the right key ahead of trip to Vienna
April 4th, 2018, 01:00PMWritten by Kristie Lim Eastern Reporter
Jing Quan Chong (10), Tian Liang (8) and Vincent Zhu (10) with piano teacher Yoon Sen Lee. Picture: Matt Jelonek.
A DIANELLA piano teacher expects a Vienna-bound trio of young pianists will continue to achieve exceptional results in years ahead.
Yoon Sen Lee helped his students, Tian Liang (8) of Willetton, Jian Quan Chong (10) of Bull Creek and Nedlands resident Vincent Zhu (10) to win first prizes at the Grand Virtuoso International Piano Competition.
The trio, who have been playing piano for four to five years, sent videos for the competition and were invited to perform at Glserner Saal, Musikverein in Vienna on April 11.
Vincent Zhu, 10 Picture: Matt Jelonek d481120
They all take one lesson a week with Lee and practice about an hour and a half each day.
Tiang previously won the North of Perth Music Festival, South Suburban Music Society Eisteddfod, Fremantle Eisteddfod and the WA Pianists Competition.
In 2017, Vincent won five first prizes, two second prizes and three third prizes in local eisteddfods and competitions.
Jing Quan, who never previously took part in an international competition, said he was “really excited” to travel and play in Vienna for the first time.
Tian Liang, 8 Picture: Matt Jelonek d481120
Vincent said he was “surprised” to have won the competition.
Tian said he liked playing piano because of the sound of the keys.
Lee said the trio worked very hard to win prizes.
“They spent a lot of hours on it and are very determined so that is how they can achieve that well,” he said.
Jing Quan Chong, 10 Picture: Matt Jelonek d481120
“They are quite exceptional, taking into effect they have been playing for four years or so.
“So, if they were to take up music as a career, there is no problem at all.”
Lee said his students had the talent and their own unique qualities to continue to compete at piano competitions.